10L Portable Oxygen Concentrator

India, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore
Last update 3 years ago
ID #132482
1 - 2 of 3
50000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
10L Portable Oxygen Concentrator
India, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore,
Modified 3 years ago


It is a 10L oxygen concentrator ,purchased brand new and used for just 5 days. It comes with 2 unused masks. It is portable. Oxygen level is adjustable from 1L to 10L. The speed also is adjustable using the adapter. Alarm facility available to refill water. Touch screen display. Timer also available. Child lock available.
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    50000.00 ₹
    Contact seller 908028xxxx

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    Unregistered user

    Listing location

    India, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore
    3/19.1 Thendral Nagar, Cheran Nagar, Gn Mills Post