8 kg aluminium filled oxygen cylinder

India, Andhra Pradesh, Machilipatnam
Published 1 year ago
ID #145157
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10.00 ₹
Condition: Used
8 kg aluminium filled oxygen cylinder
India, Andhra Pradesh, Machilipatnam,
Published 1 year ago


product name:Oxygen cylinder
product type:filled
product quantity:8 kg cylinder
gas can be filled:upto 11 litre oxygen can be filled.
It come with the stand(It has wheels for easy portability) and oxygen metre.
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    10.00 ₹
    Contact seller 970109xxxx

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    Unregistered user

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    India, Andhra Pradesh, Machilipatnam
    Srilalitha Nilayam,Z.P Centre,machilipatnam,A.P