Bajaj 1701 MT Microwave

India, Karnataka, Bangalore
Published 5 days ago
ID #150462
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4000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Bajaj 1701 MT Microwave
India, Karnataka, Bangalore,
Published 5 days ago


Bajaj Microwave in perfect working condition.
Model- 1701 MT 700W
Usage: Gentle use, still as good as new
Defects: No defects, slight discolouration on the inside
Current Market Price : 4999
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    Anshita Satapathy
    Unregistered user


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    4000.00 ₹
    Contact seller

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Anshita Satapathy
    Unregistered user

    Listing location

    India, Karnataka, Bangalore
    Lakshmi Sadan, BJ Temple Road, A Cross Road.