Book Green Screen Studio in Delhi Today!

United States, Ohio, Delhi Hills
Published 3 days ago
ID #150539
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Transaction: Rent
Book Green Screen Studio in Delhi Today!
United States, Ohio, Delhi Hills,
Published 3 days ago


Are you searching for a professional green screen studio in Delhi for your upcoming project? You can hear the right place. Shreehans Arts And Creations is ready for the fully finished Chorma setup for your shooting. Our highly skilled team manages all things like space, advanced lighting setup, modern equipment, and on-site editing facilities for post-production with experienced staff, etc. So Don’t miss out on the opportunity; you can book our green screen studio at affordable prices.


Shreehans Arts And Creations

Add: V-176, Arvind Nagar, Ghonda, Shahdara, Delhi – 110053

Call: +91 9821303700

Email: shreehansartscreations@gmail.com

Web: https://shreehansarts.com/Chroma-Screen-Delhi
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    Registered on 4. Jul 2024


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    Registered on July 4, 2024

    Listing location

    United States, Ohio, Delhi Hills
    V-176, Arvind Nagar, Ghonda, Shahdara, Delhi