Food Traceability solutions Based on Hyperledger Fabric and Blockchain | FoodTraze

India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai
Published 6 days ago
ID #150417
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Food Traceability solutions Based on Hyperledger Fabric and Blockchain | FoodTraze
India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
Published 6 days ago


Empower your food business with FoodTrazes advanced traceability system based on Hyperledger Fabric and Blockchain, ensuring transparency and trust in your supply chain.FoodTraze stands as your open-source solution, revolutionizing ingredient traceability across the entire food supply chain – from cultivation to consumption. With FoodTraze, you wield the power to construct a transparent and accountable system, meticulously recording every step in the journey from farm to fork.
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    john cornor
    Unregistered user


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    john cornor
    Unregistered user

    Listing location

    India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai