ENT Bio-Absorbable Hemostatic Sponge

India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad
Published 11 hours ago
ID #151532
1 photo
382213.00 ₹
Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
ENT Bio-Absorbable Hemostatic Sponge
India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad,
Published 11 hours ago


Porus structure and intrices enables the huge absorption of fluids.
SURGISPON® is effective in supporting the new graft in the outer ear canal after tympanoplasty and buttressing middle ear implants.
pH-neutral makes suitable for use with the antibiotics /or other drugs.
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    Registered on 5. Sep 2024


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    382213.00 ₹
    Contact seller 0972690xxxx

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    Private person
    Registered on September 5, 2024

    Listing location

    India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad
    215-216, Mahagujarat Industrial Estate, Phase-III, Tal: Sanand, Dist: Ahmedabad